-an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident
Not being able to sleep one lonely, winter night, about thirteen years ago or so, I come stumbling down the stairs and curl up next to my dad, and we watched Serendipity. I remember it as if it were yesterday. Watching John Cusack romantically connecting the freckles on Kate Beckinsale arm, making the Cassiopeia constellation and skating around a fountain in New York City. Probably one of my first, most vivid memories, and still, to this day, one of my favorite movies.
It's also my favorite word. "Finding something good without looking for it."
How awesome do you feel when the leaves start to fall, autumn is just about kissing winter, and you throw on your winter coat, stick your hands in the pockets to keep warm and pull out a $20 bill and a tube of Blistex lip balm, jackpot. Or when you get on the bus expecting the usual long, tiresome bus ride to work and end up sitting beside a really interesting women in her seventies reminiscing on her past life, and sharing her wisdom to the "young folk." Or maybe its just simply coming home from a long day, and finding a single piece of chocolate in the cupboard. Sweet Serendipity.
Beachy keen. |
My name's Emily Granzotto-Martin, and I'm twenty years old. The start of a new decade, new adventures and new discoveries. I'm a daughter, sister, traveler, considering nurse, wannabe carpenter, decent chef, shower singer and Jesus freak.
After graduating high school I took some time off, two years to be exact, worked three different jobs, travelled around Europe, Mexico, America and Canada, experimented with different diets, made some helpful discoveries and created some crafts here and there.
I love to travel. Seeing postcard pictures in real time, learning historical facts about the exact piece of cobblestone under your feet, and trying exotic new foods, is a day at its finest. I love palm trees, and my dream vacation spot is anywhere in Asia.
Working however, I don't love. But who does, really? I've worked in a cafe, restaurant, shoe store and grocery store. And let me tell you, I now have a wonderful fine-the-customer-is-awlays-right-even-when-they-really-aren't-and-I-would-rather-be-poking-my-eyes-out-than-standing-here smile. Nailed it.
I also love DIY anything, and HGTV, when I get access to cable. What do I do to relax, you ask? Well, you could either find me painting my room, for the third time this year, or maybe slicing up a palette found behind that Sports store in the plaza to make a cool bed frame, compliments to pinterest, or sitting on the front porch struggling to figure out how this stupid jigsaw works.
Cooking is also something I find interesting. I've done the vegetarian, the vegan, and the no sugar diet, but am currently ,and permanently, on the gluten and lactose intolerant diet. After years of pain, action was finally taken. Almond meal is a life saver, as well as corn. And surprisingly, life without grilled cheese sandwiches isn't as terrible as most people may think.
I sing constantly around the house, with a fake microphone, and always pretend I'm in a broadway musical. I love it, but for the most part, it stays behind closed doors. Maybe someday.
Last but not least I'm a Jesus Freak. I love my church family, and am pumped for what God has in store for my life!
So, with milk and honey, you may ask. Why? I don't really know, to be honest. Maybe it's the way you eat your cereal, or what you put in your coffee. Maybe its the promised land you're still waiting for, or a reminder of blessings and answered prayers. For me, it's a reminder to stay focused and keep believing.
Starting a blog seems to be the new "in thing" these days, and I am completely guilty of jumping on the bandwagon. The purpose for the blog is to share thoughts, stories, ideas and creations. No specifics, just plain and simple, life shenanigans.
Thanks for tuning in,
Sweet intro Em! Looking forward to reading more as the days pass!